Dr. LaRonda Starling


Dr. LaRonda Starling

Dr. LaRonda Starling

General Nonfiction, Christian Nonfiction, Religion & Spirituality

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    Sep 2019

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    United States

  • Profession

    Clinical Psychologist, Professional Counselor, Professor, Author


Dr. LaRonda Starling is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor in Texas, and an adjunct professor for university graduate students. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, Master of Science degree in Counseling, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Psychology with a specialization in Clinical Psychology. As a clinician, Dr. Starling provides therapeutic services (psychological assessment and counseling) in a private practice setting. Along with her clinical experience as a mental health professional, Dr. Starling has over fifteen years of experience working in academic environments; first as a staff member and then as adjunct faculty in both classroom and online settings. In all that she does (working or volunteering), she hopes that God receives the glory as she uses the gifts He has so graciously given her. Although Dr. Starling has always enjoyed writing, Be Still: Spiritual Self-Care for Mental Health Professionals is her first published book.


Be Still Book Trailer

Dr. LaRonda Starling Books

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